
Your Music History

With Music Note you can log the music you listen to, allowing you to keep track of all the albums you love (or hate!). Whether you add them yourself manually, or import them from Spotify, Music Note has you covered. Never forget what you listened to again!

Search for albums or import them from Spotify

Music Note works with Spotify right out of the box, allowing you to import all the albums you listened to recently with just the click of a button! Making it easy to always have your listening history up to date!

Want to add something you haven't listened to recently? No problem! You can also search for any albums that are on Spotify and import them straight into the app!

Organize your albums into lists

We all listen to tons of music, and sometimes it's nice to categorize them, whether it's your Top 10 Albums of 2020, Favorite Christmas Tunes, or Guilty Pleasure Albums, we're here for it!

Create all sorts of different lists, make them ordered (or not), and easily add or remove albums to your heart's content!